Greetings from the Mayor of Brno

Dear racers, dear fans of engines and racing adrenaline.
Brno has been promised to motorcycle and car racing for many decades. This tradition sometimes - under the influence of adverse circumstances - disappears, but is renewed again. In more favorable times and in different places.
Cars and motorbikes also returned to the fairgrounds, where races were held from the 1930s to the 1960s. Do you find the combination of pavilions and engines strange? Not at all, car exhibitions were held in the area and various demonstration events and races - not only on the exhibition grounds - were their "accompanying program".
Now we once again have the opportunity to see with our own eyes many historic vehicles, one-wheeled and two-wheeled, which experienced glorious moments here. And that includes the unique Dragons, three formula models designed and built by Brno racer Otto Buchberger in the 1960s.
But Brno Revival is not just an exhibition, spectators will enjoy the famous "racers and machines" in motion, during short rides without winners and losers. I wish the organizers that the interest of riders and spectators is great and that they get great experiences from the "festival of speed between the pavilions". At the same time, I am very happy that with great events such as the Brno Revival, it is possible to integrate an architecturally valuable site into the organism of the city and find new ways of using it.
Three, two, one, go!
Markéta Vaňková, Mayor of Brno


Report from the mayor's visit to Brno Revival 2019

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