Clubs, set up a stand!

We also had a special offer for organized clubs. By agreement, we will also allow them to participate in interesting and valuable cars manufactured after 1990. And we will provide them with a dedicated space where they can present themselves together, set up a tent, sit down, create a background, and invite friends.
We have set the entrance fee for regular visitors so that as many motor enthusiasts and lovers of the smell of gasoline as possible can enjoy this year's first major motoring holiday.

Brno Revival 2020 organizational instructions for visitors and participants

As part of the Brno Revival 2020 event organized by the Czechoslovak Automobile Club for Moravia and Silesia, zs., visual and audio recordings will be made for the purpose of presenting the event organizer. The Czechoslovak Automobile Club for Moravia and Silesia, zs., is not responsible for records made and published by other entities.

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