Formula Junior Historic Racing Association

Formula Junior

Between 1958 and 1963, Formula Junior was a kind of precursor to Formula 1 and replaced in this function Formula 3 powered by motorcycle 500s. Born in the mind of the Italian Count Lurani, Formula Junior featured liter or 1.1 liter stock engines and gearboxes in scaled-down Grand Prix car frames. During its six years of existence, Formula Junior saw an evolution from ladder frames and engines at the front, to space frames with engines at the rear, like the Cooper cars, to the shell construction of the Lotus 27. Hundreds of Formula Junior cars raced together in the USA, Western or Eastern Europe or Australia .
Famous Formula 1 drivers such as Jim Clark, John Surtees, Jochen Rindt, Mike Spence, Wolfgang von Trips, Gerhard Mitter, Lorenzo Bandini and Giancarlo Baghetti started in these formulas.
Formula Junior was the first formula revived in vintage car racing. In 1993, the Formula Junior Historic Racing Association (FJHRA) was founded, which has been organizing races for the Lurani Trophy since 1995. They are regularly held at famous circuits in Europe, but also in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In July, these formulas will also be presented to the audience in Brno.

Official website: Historic formula junior

Saturday 13/7/2024

11.00–11.25 Lurani Trophy Formula Junior qualifications 25 minutes
14.55–15.20 Lurani Trophy Formula Junior Race 1 25 minutes

Sunday 14.7.2024

14.45–15.10 Lurani Trophy Formula Junior Race 2 25 minutes

Formula Junior

St. number Vehicle Year of manufacture Driver Nationality Volume
4 Rayberg FJ 1959 Floris- Jan Hekker NLD 1100
7 Alexis HF1 1959 Duncan Rabagliati GBR 1098
8 Condor S II 1960 Alex Morton GBR 1098
17 Lola Mk 3 1961 Lars-Goran Sjoberg SWE 1098
18 U2 Mk 2 1960 Erik Justsen DNA 1100
21 Elva 100 1959 John Christians SWE 1080
22 Autosport Mk2 1960 Richard Bishop- Miller GBR 1099
32 Elva 200 1960 Gilbert Lenoir FRA 1098
50 Lotus 27 1963 Philipp Buhofer SWI 1097
63 Lotus 22 1962 Stephan Joebstl AUTO 1100
66 Focus MK IV 1962 Petter Huse NORWEGIAN 1098
68 Lola Mk5a 1963 Tony Lees GBR 1098
72 Brabham BT2 1962 Peter Laier DEU 1100
73 Lotus 22 1963 Johnny Lange WHITE 1100
94 Lotus 20 1962 Hans Hillebrink SWE 1100
122 Lotus 22 1961 Adrian Russell GBR 1098
154 Lola Mk 5 A 1963 Rudi Friedrichs DEU 1097
194 Lotus 22 1963 Clive Richards GBR 1100

Clive Richards and his Lotus reigned F-Junior in Brno

Text and photo: Roman Klemm

The organizer of the historic Junior Formula Championship, Mr. Duncan Rabagliati, was relied upon. He brought a large field of 17 cars of his mainly British and Northern European participants to Brno. At the start of the Lurani Trophy for Formula Junior Cars international championship there were 5 Britons, 3 Swedes, 2 Germans and one each from a Dane, a Norwegian, an Austrian, a Swiss, a Dutchman, a Belgian and a Frenchman. Reliance was also placed on the favored Brit Clive Richards – he won both races.

Free Practice and Qualifying: Help for the whole weekend
Friday's free races were dominated by favorite Briton Clive Richards and his immaculate red Lotus 22 with striking yellow wheels ahead of Phillippe Buhofer (Lotus 27) and Rudi Friedrichs (Lola Mk 51). The driven Richards confirmed this result in the qualification as well. He secured the best starting place with a time of 2:25.123 s, i.e. 1.8 seconds ahead of Buhofer. Friedrichs and Adrian Russell qualified behind them in another Lotus 22.

First race on Saturday: End well, all the best for Richards
Poleman's red single-seater showed only a restrained start, so Buhofer quickly took over the lead. But Richards had his competitors in the palm of his hand, which he confirmed in the second round when he replaced the Swiss in the lead. He set the pace flawlessly for the rest of the race and won. Behind them, Friedrichs, Russell and Joebstl shared the top positions.

Result Saturday:
1. Clive Richards, Lotus 22
2. Phillipp Buhofer, Lotus 27
3. Rudi Friedrichs, Lola Mk5
4. Adrian Russell, Lotus 22
5. Stephan Joebstl, Lotus 22
6. Petter Huse, Focus, Mk4
7. Tony Lees, Lola Mk5
8. Hans Hillebrink, Lotus 20
9. Peter Laier, Brabham BT2
10. Alex Morton, Condor S2

Second race on Sunday: Richads with tireless Buhofer in tow
Clive Richards' competition was "close at hand" on Sunday only at the start. This time, the Briton started perfectly and initially only the Swiss Buhofer was able to keep up with him. While the leader was able to hold off his equally flawless competitor by 4 seconds, a good battle between Friedriches and Russell raged for third place for almost the entire race. In the end, the German prevailed.

Sunday's result:
1. Clive Richards, Lotus 22
2. Phillipp Buhofer, Lotus 27
3. Rudi Friedrichs, Lola Mk5
4. Adrian Russell, Lotus 22
5. Petter Huse, Focus, Mk4
6. Stephan Joebstl, Lotus 22
7. Alex Morton, Condor S2
8. Peter Laier, Brabham BT2
9. Erik Justesen, U2 Mk2
10. Floris-Jan Hekker, Rayberg FJ

Photo gallery from the 2024 Brno Grand Prix Revival