Monaco Historique 2024 - Series D to G

Text and photo: Roman Klemm

Series D – F1 Grand Prix cars from 1966 to 1972

Starting with the more modern and faster F1 cars from 1966-72, the organizer extends the length of the race. In series D it is for 12 rounds. Although only 16 participants registered here, there were several big "names" among them: genius F1 constructor and excellent racer Adrian Newey once again saddled his Lotus-Ford 49B from 1968, Mexican IndyCar superstar Adrian Fernandez made his debut in Monaco on his great countryman's BRM P153 1970 Pedro Rodriguez and former DTM driver Harald Becker relied on his March-Ford 701, the brand's first F1 model.

Qualification: 25 minutes by Michael Lyons
British specialist Michael Lyons and his 1971 Surtees TS9 topped the time sheet from the first to the last minute of the session. Another specialist in this class, the Japanese Katsuaki Kubota with a JPS-Lotus 72, set the second time. Third place was secured by another well-known historical figure, Matthew Wrigley, on a March 721G. Ewen Sergison on the Surtees TS9B, David Shaw on the Eifelland-Marchi 721 and Adrian Fernandez, making his debut in Monaco, were allowed to line up behind him for Sunday's start. Adrian Newey took his Maple-Leaf-Lotus to an excellent eighth place.

Race: Technical Battle
Especially in this class, the teams had big problems with the technique. Fernandez's BRM did not enter the race, and on Sunday two other machines stopped working on the way to the start. That didn't bother Lyons at first. He made a fine start ahead of Wrigley and Kubota, while Hartley (March 701) and Newey needed the help of the marshals to get their dead cars going. Lyons then sprinted towards a possible triumph and in lap 7 young Matthew Wrigley de facto threw away the win when he had to briefly enter the escape zone at St. Devote. Kubota not only took over the second position – he soon became the leader of the race! 3 laps before the end, he blocked the drive of Lyons Surtees and the disappointed Englishman retired. In a heated finish, the ugly Ferrari 312B3 of Franco Meiners held 3rd place, but after the driver's mistake in Rascasse, the driver with the pseudonym "Mister John of B" on the Matra MS120B was allowed to take his place on the podium. Adrian Newey finished an excellent 4th.

Monaco Historique - Serie D result
1. Katsuaki Kubota, Lotus 72
2. Matthew Wrigley, March 721G
3. Mister John of B, Matra MS120C
4. Adrian Newey, Lozus 49B
5. FrancoMeiners, Ferrari 312B3
6. Tom Hartley, March 701

E Series – F1 Grand Prix cars from 1973 to 1976

The class of F1 cars from 1973 to 1976 will also be presented in Brno this year and attracted a diverse field of 25 participants to Monaco. Representing perhaps the best era of F1, McLarens, Lotuses, Tyrrells, Ferraris, Heskeths, Shadows, Lolas, Penskes and Ensignes met here again, just like 50 years ago. What more could the heart of a real F1 fan want? While 3-time Le Mans winner and Monaco GP F3 winner Marco Werner (Lotus 77) was among the favorites, the second ex-professional in the field, Jean-Denis Deletraz (Shadow DN3), wanted above all to complete the listed 18 laps without a mistake.

Qualifying: Stuart Hall conquered the Lotuses of Chromecars Racing
The fast Englishman Start Hall has already spoiled the favorites in Monaco several times, and this year he therefore created the best conditions. A car in which he had previously shone in the principality qualified for the pole position: the McLaren M23 in Yardley livery from 1974. The single-seaters of the German collector Chromecars had to go in the order of Nick Padmore (Lotus 77), Marco Werner (Lotus 77) and Michael Lyons (McLaren M26) to stand behind him. American Bradley Hoyt qualified his Hill GH1 excellently in the third row next to the McLaren M23 of Austrian Lukas Halusa.

Race: Hall's McLaren M23 was unbeatable
The excellently tuned Hall did not give the Lotuses a chance even on Sunday. Immediately after the start, he took the lead, which he defended with clarity until the finish line. Behind him, Werner initially got ahead of Padmore. However, the Le Mans winner had to pit after a third of the race, and so the clearly defined order of Padmore-Lyons-Halusa was established behind the leader, which was valid until the finish line. Jean-Denis Delétraz finished a good race as 9th.

Monaco GP Historique Result – Series E:
1. Stuart Hall, McLaren M23
2. Nick Padmore, Lotus 77
3. Michael Lyons, McLaren M26
4. Lukas Halusa, McLaren M23
5. Matthew Wrigley, Penske PC3
6. Frederic Lajoux, Surtees TS19

F Series – F1 Grand Prix cars from 1977 to 1980

The same applies to Series F single-seaters, i.e. cars from 1977 to 1980, as to Series E: These gems will also come to Brno, even these gems embody the best that F1 has ever offered. With 30 participants, the class drew on the eternal beauty of Lotuses, Tyrrells, Ferraris, Williams, Arrows, Ensigns and Copersucars in Monaco. Fans were sure to be curious to see the performances of former home F3 hope Jonathan Cochet (Fittipaldi F6A), IMSA star Wayne Taylor (in the 1977 winning Wolf WR4) and McLaren director Zak Brown (Williams FW07B).

Qualifying: Did Lyons earn a second crown?
Michael Lyons not only dominated the D Series, but also the qualification of the newer F Series cars. He used the Hesketh 308E after Rupert Keegan, with whom he had previously triumphed in the Principality. The busy and very fast session was surprisingly without "victims". Qualifying 0.2 seconds behind Lyons was Miles Griffiths in a Fittipaldi F5A, followed by Stephen Shanly in a Tyrrell 010, Jonathan Cochet in a Fittipaldi 'Concorde' and David Shaw in a Williams FW06. Zak Brown, who was watched by his F-Liberty Norris riders with Piastri, was not embarrassed and set the 18th time. Because of that, Wayne Taylor probably wasn't even surprised at how fast people drive in the "historic" F1 - he had to put up with the 24th starting position.

Race: Lyons' Satisfaction
What Michael Lyons couldn't do with the Surtees, he did with the Hesketh 308E: he won. However, the Series F race was marred by bad accidents and many interruptions. The first start went well for Lyons, but far behind him on the starting straight Harald Becker (Arrows A3) collided badly with Wayne Taylor. The South African IMSA star even slightly hurt himself in the process - Taylor will not have the best memories of his debut in Monaco...
After the track was cleared, the start was restarted and Lyons was once again at the top with Griffiths close behind. However, it was only two laps before Hesketh crashed into Martin Overnington's barrier in the tunnel... So the start was made for the third time and the Lyons-Griffiths duel raged again at the top - before it was interrupted again in the 7th lap: in Tabáková corner, the home Nicolas Matile put his March 771... Even considering the late afternoon, the race director had enough and then waved the checkered flag at the race! Pro Cochet took his newly restored car to an excellent 3rd place.

Monaco GP Historique Result – Series F:
1. Michael Lyons, Hesketh 308E
2. Miles Griffiths, Fittipaldi F5A
3. Jonathan Cochet, Fittipaldi F6A
4. Mark Hazell, Williams FW07B
5. Michael Cantillon, Tyrrell 010
6. Carlos de Quasada, McLaren M26

G Series – F1 Grand Prix cars from 1981 to 1985

The highlight of the Monaco Grand Prix Historique 2024 was a fierce competition for 18 laps of F1 cars built between 1981 and 1985. Also, 30 pilots were going to qualify here. Le Mans winner Marco Werner wanted to repeat his 2022 triumph in a Lotus 87B, but was prevented from doing so by, among others, former F3000 driver Soheil Ayari in a Ligier JS21 and Indy 500 winner Dario Franchitti in a Tyrrell 012. Also a dozen top specialists in historic the cars of the likes of Martin Stretton, Nick Padmore, Michael Lyons, Stuart Hall or the winner of the first GP F1 this season in Le Castellet, Michael Cantillon, wanted to fight for the gold.

Qualification: Can you win with March 821?
In a nervous session that was neutralized several times due to accidents, the Start Hall prevailed - and that on a car that rather "swept the field" at the time: the Rothmans-Marchi 821, fielded by the RAM stable in 1982. He once again defeated the JPS cars with Marco Werneren (Lotus 87B), Michael Lyons (Lotus 92) and Nick Padmore (Lotus 88B). In the roles of outsiders, Marino Franchitti and Jamie Constable started from the third row of Tyrella 011.

Race: March 821 the winner - that surprised even Jochen Masse
Marco Werner knew he could only beat Hall with a better start. However, the Briton started just as well as the German and raced towards his second major triumph of the day. Even one of its riders from the 1982 season, Jochen Mass, who was present, was surprised that it was possible to win with the March 821. Hall had a 5 second lead halfway through the race and Werner was able to break away from Lyons behind him. Behind these three, after Padmore's Lotus dropped out, it was mainly the Tyrrell drivers who finished in the order of Franchitti, Constable and Tyrrell. The cup was presented to the winner by Prince Albert himself – what a testament to the growing importance of this enterprise!

Monaco GP Historique – Series G result:
1. Stuart Hall, March 821
2. Marco Werner, Lotus 87B
3. Michael Lyons, Lotus 92
4. Marino Franchitti, Tyrrell 012
5. Jamie Constable, Tyrrell 011
6. Ken Tyrrell, Tyrrell 011

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