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Greetings from the Governor of the South Moravian Region
Dear sports friends, this year, for the third time, motorcycle and car races of all kinds will be included in the events that take place in addition to the fairs at the Brno Exhibition Center...
A successful weekend: the historic machine races attracted 16,000 people
The Brno Grand Prix Revival racing weekend at the Masaryk circuit has had a successful premiere. Historic car battles were attended by…
CZ formula
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Historic racing motorcycles
Part of the program will also be set aside for historic motorcycles and sidecars of all world brands, from Czechoslovak ČZ and Jawa to Honda,...
Autoklub ČR at Brno Revival 2019
The Auto Club of the Czech Republic will present itself at the Brno Revival • festival of speed between the pavilions with an information stand where you can get to know...